mySunPower Monitoring
Panel-level data is here!
Reach out to your installer to get access today
You asked, we delivered
Now you can track individual panel performance, right in the mySunPower® app.

Quickly identify your highest-performing panels of any given day with a color-coded view of your system.

View a time-lapse playback of individual panel power production and see how shading affects your system.

Tap any panel to view more information about any panel, including the panel’s current status.
Frequently asked questions
What is panel level data?
With panel level data you can monitor how each individual panel is performing on a daily basis. Explore how different parts of your system are affected by shading, angle towards the sun, weather conditions and seasonality.
If you don’t see the “Panels” tab in your mySunPower® app, reach out to your installer to access to this feature. If you don’t know how to contact your installer, call SunPower support at 1-385-489-5552.
How often is the data refreshed?
The energy and power data in the panels tab is updated as often as the monitoring device (PVS) communicates to the cloud. PVS6 and PVS5 devices communicate every 5 minutes, while older PVS models communicate every 15 minutes. The energy view shows the total generated energy per panel each day. The power data in the time-lapse player displays the average power production of each panel during every hour of the day.
What do the colored status indicators mean?
There are four different status indicators:
Green: The panel is operating as normal.
Grey: The panel is temporarily not producing power or has temporarily stopped communicating with the SunPower PVS monitoring device.
Orange: The panel has stopped communicating with the SunPower® PVS monitoring device.
Red: The panel has stopped producing power.
The Panel Details page outlines what to do if a panel is showing a grey, orange or red status indicator.
What should I do if I see a status indicator about a panel not producing or not communicating?
Please reach out to your installer if a panel’s status is red (no production) or orange (no communication). They will try to determine the cause and offer a solution.
What should I do if I see a status indicator that my panel is temporarily not producing power or not communicating with the SunPower monitoring device (PVS)?
A grey status indicating a temporary loss in production or communication is normal. Please allow 48 hours for the panel to return to its normal operation before seeking assistance. If it has not resumed normal operation after that time, reach out to your installer.
Can I set up a notification to receive status indicator changes?
This functionality is not available currently, but we hope to offer it soon.
I don’t see the layout of my panels, or it looks completely wrong. What should I do?
If you don’t see your layout or it seems wrong, please reach out to your installer as they will need to create it for you.
Please note, for systems where panel layout information was not documented during installation, panel level data monitoring may not be available. Reach out to your installer for more information.
Why aren’t all my panels producing the same amount of energy?
There are many factors that affect solar production. For example, where the panels are placed on the roof, the angle of the panel relative to the sun, weather conditions, daytime shading and obstructions such as leaves or snow.
What is the difference between the Energy and Power views?
The Power view shows the average solar production generated during each hour of the day.
I don’t see data for some of my panels, but I do see solar production values for my full system in the Analyze and Home tabs. What does this mean?
Don’t worry, your solar system is still generating solar energy. It is likely that your installer included a production meter when they installed your SunPower system. The production meter is a device that measures the solar production values for the entire system, and it communicates directly with the SunPower PVS monitoring device. While the panels may have temporarily lost communication with the monitoring device, the production meter is still communicating and reporting the solar energy generation correctly.
How often should I clean my panels?
We recommend cleaning your panels 1-2 times a year, though rain and snow act as great natural solvents. For more information about cleaning your panels please read our Solar Resource article covering Home Solar Panel Cleaning Tips.
I have more questions about panel level data, how can I get more help?
If you still have questions, feel free to contact us directly through the Help and Support page of the monitoring application.
When will my panels communicate? I do not see them communicating 24/7?
Great question! The panels will be in communication only during the day, as the communication is solar powered. The panels will wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. Panels that face the East are early risers, while panels that face the West will keep communicating until sunset. Panels that face the South typically communicate between sunrise and sunset.
Why do panels sometimes lose communication?
Panels talk to the monitoring device over Power Line Communication (PLC). PLC sends signals directly through the copper wires that connect each panel to your home’s electrical service box and, in turn, the utility grid. In addition to carrying the power to your home, these wires are also carrying data.
Occasionally, information carried over PLC is interrupted due to noise on the line from other panels, electronics in your home, and even electronics at the neighbors. Common sources of interference include appliances with motors (fans, water pumps, pool pumps, refrigerators, and freezers); power strips, surge protectors, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs); large workshop equipment; battery chargers or AC adapters; plug-in pest deterrents; and failing Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs). These devices are common in our homes, so we generally recommend using production meters to track system performance.
Each solar circuit in your system is connected to a breaker in your service panel. If the breaker trips, communication with the panels on that circuit will be interrupted. Please check your service panel to confirm that all solar breakers are in the “ON” position.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to your installer.