How do I pay my bill online?
Below you will find information on how to pay your SunPower bill using the SunPower online bill pay portal. Check out our related articles if you need help managing your account or resetting your username or password.
How to login/access your account online
You can access your account online to make a payment, change payment options, see statement history, or change settings such as autopay.

Make a one-time payment online without signing in
To set up a one-time payment online, you need your Account Number and Token Number from your Invoice in order to process. The account number is the complete number (1234567-001), located on the upper right-hand side of your bill where it says account information. The token number is the 8-digit alphanumeric code at the bottom right-hand side of your bill.

Go to login page.
Click One Time Payment.
Enter Account Number and Authentication Token
Submit bank account info to submit payment.

How to set up your online account:
Click the “Register” button on the left side of the page
Use the Account Numbers and Tokens from your paper bill
Choose a Username and Password
Enter your information
Check the Terms and Conditions checkbox and click “Register”
You will receive an email to verify your email address to activate your account.
You’ll then be able to login to the site in step 1 using the username/password combo you set up.
How to pay your bill:
Login to your account on
Click the Make a Payment box in the Account Summary area or under Payments on the left side navigation:

Choose your Payment Account in the dropdown. If you do not have an account available yet, click on the “Click here to manage your Payment Accounts” to set up your payment options.
Use the calendar to choose your payment date.
If you would like to pay a different amount than the total due, click “Other Amount” and enter the total you wish to pay here.
When ready to submit payment, click the “Make a Payment” button. If you want to cancel the process, click the “Cancel” button.

How to Add/Manage Your Payment Accounts

Log into your account.
On the left, under Payments, click Payment Accounts.
In the center area, either choose which account you’d like to update, or click “Add Payment Account” for a new payment account.
Once you’ve clicked “Add Payment Account,” fill out the bank account information in the pop-up box and click “Add Payment Account” when complete.