How do I log in if I forgot my username or password?
Below you will find information on how to change and recover passwords and usernames related to your SunPower billing account. Check out our related articles if you need help managing your account or paying your bill.

From the login page, you can choose Forgot User Name or Forgot Password if you need to reset your user name or reset your password.
If you forgot your password
The “forgot password” option will create a new password that the customer will have to change once they log in. The password will be sent to the email on file. When you click on the Forgot Password link you will be asked to provide your username and answer a challenge question. Then you will receive the temporary password via email which you will have to change when you log in.

If you forgot your username
If you forgot your user name, you will need to have your account number in order to get that reset.

Your account number is found in the upper right portion of your invoice.