How to add equipment to your home that may impact your SunVault
Your new SunPower Equinox® and SunVault Storage system can offer additional flexibility and capacity for your future electrical needs. It is critical that any new electrical circuits are integrated properly and safely. Working with an electrical contractor familiar with your SunPower equipment is recommended in order to ensure that the system continues to operate as designed.
Adding an EV charger, for example, requires professional support. An EV charger typically requires electrical load calculations to ensure that the electrical equipment has the capacity for the new circuit, a review of the available circuit breaker locations to confirm compatibility with the SunPower equipment requirements, and a construction permit to complete the work. The installer must ensure that the loads resulting from any new circuit report correctly to the SunPower monitoring system so that your SunVault will continue to perform efficiently and effectively and provide you with accurate energy information.