Kansas goes solar with SunPower®
There’s no place like Kansas for solar
The state of solar in Kansas
Kansas has a temperate climate and enjoys close to 230 sunny days a year on average.*Current Results. Kansas. (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Kansas/annual-days-of-sunshine.php According to Google Project Sunroof, 80% of all buildings in Kansas are solar viable, with a potential solar capacity of 11.9 million MWh AC per year.*Project Sunroof. Kansas (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). https://sunroof.withgoogle.com/data-explorer/place/ChIJawF8cXEXo4cRXwk-S6m0wmg/
How much solar energy does Kansas produce?
SEIA’s data for the first quarter of 2021 places Kansas 44th in the national solar ranking. Currently, the state’s solar capacity is under 85 MW, enough to power less than 12,600 homes.*SEIA. Kansas (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). https://www.seia.org/state-solar-policy/kansas-solar Kansas has a great untapped solar potential which is sure to grow in the following decades.
What are the advantages of going solar in Kansas?
Solar panels for homes in Kansas should pay for themselves within about 10 years and save the owners more than $23,000 over 20 years.*Energy Sage. Solar Payback Period (July 7, 2021). https://www.energysage.com/solar/benefits-of-solar/solar-payback-period/
Kansas currently ranks 28th among the U.S. for electricity rates, with an average monthly bill of $106.*Electricity Local: Kansas (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). However, with electricity rates projected to rise across the U.S. due to increasing natural gas prices,*Statista. Growth in U.S. Electricity Prices Since 2000 (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). https://www.statista.com/statistics/201714/growth-in-us-residential-electricity-prices-since-2000/ Kansans may face higher electricity bills in a few years. A home solar system can help offset climbing electricity rates.
Additionally, a home solar system with storage can help homeowners avoid power outages during adverse weather events like the storms of June 2021, which caused around 60,000 outages in the Evergy service area.*KSN News (NBC). Evergy reports power outages in south-central Kansas, 100 poles snapped, downed or damaged (June 11, 2021). https://www.ksn.com/news/local/evergy-reports-power-outages-in-south-central-kansas/
How much does solar cost in Kansas?

The cost of a home solar system can vary, even in the same state, due to a range of factors. These include:
Roof size and angle
License costs
Quality of the solar panels
Any required structural adjustments
Location within the state
To help you understand the price of going solar in your area, we've analyzed SunPower price quotes as well as quotes gathered by third-party sources for thousands of homeowners across the country.
In Kansas, we found that the average cost of owning a 5 kW solar system ranges from $11,400 to $15,800, or in other words from $2.28 to $3.16 per watt. And that's before considering the benefits of any available tax credits or incentives.
The average solar installation cost is 43% lower today than it was five years ago,*SEIA. Kansas. (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021) https://www.seia.org/state-solar-policy/kansas-solar and 70% lower than a decade ago.*SEIA, 2021 Q1 https://www.seia.org/solar-industry-research-data This drop in prices, coupled with federal and local incentives, has made the home solar system an increasingly popular, financially viable option for residential property owners.
As in the rest of the United States, homeowners in Kansas can take advantage of the 30% federal tax credit on solar system installation.*Tax credits and incentives are subject to change. Visit dsireusa.org for detailed solar policy information.
Additionally, Kansans enjoy a local tax credit that allows homeowners to deduct their solar system’s value from their home’s value for property tax purposes.*Solar Panela Network. Solar Panel Laws in Kansas (Accessed Aug. 14, 2021). https://us.solarpanelsnetwork.com/blog/solar-panel-laws-kansas. This means that homeowners don’t need to worry about paying a higher property tax because they opted to install a solar system.
Electricity providers in Kansas also offer a net metering program to eligible clients. Net metering allows solar system owners who generate excess electricity to send that surplus to the utility grid for a credit on future energy bills.*The availability of net metering varies by location and is subject to change. Visit dsireusa.org for detailed solar policy information.
What’s the best way to go solar in Kansas?
A home solar system is a major investment that can help homeowners reduce energy bills, generate long-term savings, and increase their property value.
To make sure your solar system will perform optimally and serve you for decades with lower energy costs, it’s essential to work with an experienced, trustworthy solar company. Make sure they’re licensed in your state and have strong third-party references and reviews.
Your solar provider should design a custom solar system that fits your energy goals, property aesthetics, lifestyle, and budget. They should also help you gain access to all available incentives.
Get started now by requesting a free consultation with SunPower below. We'll follow up with a quick call to schedule a time. You can also call us directly at 1-385-489-5552.
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