Palm Springs, California

Palm Springs, California goes solar with SunPower®

Palm Springs: a clean energy oasis

The state of solar in Palm Springs

With an impressive 269 average sunny days each year, Palm Springs is an ideal place to go solar.* At 96%, nearly all the city’s rooftops are also solar-viable.* The City of Palm Springs was awarded SolSmart Gold status in 2018 by the Solar Foundation thanks to its efforts to make it simple for residents and local business owners to go solar.

How much solar energy does Palm Springs produce?

According to the Environment America Research & Policy Center, Palm Springs ranks second in the U.S. for installed solar capacity per capita at 790 watts per person, equating to a total solar capacity of 38.4 MW. Riverside County as a whole has 1,425.5 MW of solar capacity.

What are the advantages of going solar in Palm Springs?

Going solar is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and outdoor pollution in our communities. Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, leads to carbon dioxide emissions that trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. This increase in heat can make the already hot and dry desert climate here in Palm Springs even hotter and increase the intensity of droughts

On top of the environmental benefits, there’s also the potential for substantial electricity cost savings. Electricity rates in Palm Springs are around 4% higher than most cities in California and over 34% higher than the national average.*

As a result, a 5 kW solar system often pays for itself in as little as 5 to 6 years and could offer more than $70,000 in electricity cost savings over 20 years.*

How much does solar cost in Palm Springs?

The cost of a home solar system can vary, even in the same city, due to a range of factors, such as:

  • Household’s energy needs

  • Angle of the roof

  • Roof space

  • Local weather

  • Quality of the solar system

To help you understand the price of going solar in your area, we've analyzed SunPower price quotes, as well as quotes gathered by third-party sources for thousands of homeowners across the country.*

In Palm Springs, we found that the cost of installing a 5 kW solar system ranges from $13,650 to $25,000, or in other words, from $2.73 to $5.00 per watt. And that's before considering the benefits of any available tax credits or incentives.

If you are a customer of Southern California Edison (SCE), you may be able to take advantage of the self-generation incentive program (SGIP). The program offers a rebate for up to $0.20 per watt-hour of installed solar storage. However, rebates work on a step-down system and will decrease over time.*

You can still earn net metering credits by sending your excess energy back to the grid if you opt to install battery storage to claim the SGIP rebate, too.* The rebate may also be coupled with the 30% federal tax credit.*

What’s the best way to go solar in Palm Springs?

To get the most out of your solar system, you’ll need to take your budget, energy needs, available unshaded roof space, and more into account, as well as whether you want a grid-tied system, battery storage, or both.

A consultation with a reputable solar installer is the best way to evaluate all of the above. It’ll also give you a chance to ask questions about solar power or the installation process. During your consultation, you should receive a price quote, custom solar design, information regarding your potential energy savings, and an overview of any rebates or tax incentives available to you.

Get started today by requesting a free consultation below. We’ll then contact you to schedule a convenient time for meet in-person or on-line. You can also call us directly at 1-385-489-5552.

Start saving with solar! Schedule your online appointment with SunPower.

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